


05.30.2019•艺术 & 娱乐,大学 & 社区,学院一般,特别活动

SANFORD - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom on May 20 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.

This event honored Ma and offered a retrospective on the Confucius Classroom as it completes its ninth and final year of operation, with Chinese language training and cultural programs to continue as part of the comprehensive global education initiatives at 推荐正规买球平台.

“我们已经享受这种关系很多年了. 大家都知道, 我们有机会举办一些伟大的文化活动, 文化交流, 我们对许多学生进行了很好的指导, 最重要的是,我们建立了深厚的友谊,中国中交会会长杨志强博士说. 莉莎米. 查普曼. “这种合作关系对我们来说有很大的价值. ... The community here has certainly embraced the cultural exchange and that has meant a lot to our partnership."

孔子课堂是与N.C. 国立大学孔子学院和南京师范大学. The Confucius Classroom promotes an intercultural exchange grounded in Chinese language courses, 但也提供了广泛的文化活动和活动.

NCSU's Institute signed a memorandum of understanding with the college in April 2009 for a partnership to establish a Confucius Classroom at the college. NCSU was the first university in the United 状态s to develop this type of partnership and Central Carolina was the first community college in the U.S. 开设孔子课堂.

Among those speaking at the farewell program was Sanford Mayor Pro Tem Rebecca Wyhof Salmon. “在过去的九年里,这个项目为我们的社区增添了如此多的活力. 它激发了人们的思想和想象力,让人们思考未来的可能性. The Confucius Classroom has also served as a foundation for the beginning of Sanford's Sister City program,萨尔蒙说.

桑福德的姊妹城市是中国的宜兴市. "They may have initially been interested and attracted to Sanford because we have a shared cultural arts heritage with pottery. 但 the connections that we have through the Confucius Classroom and through the North Carolina China Council were what made this relationship really prosper,萨尔蒙说, 谁说过姐妹城市计划.

Dr. 乔恩·马修斯, 推荐正规买球平台孔子课堂主任、哈尼特教务长, told the audience about the history of the program at 推荐正规买球平台 and how former 推荐正规买球平台 President Dr. T. Eston Marchant had seen the potential in expanding learning opportunities for students based on what he had observed at Presbyterian College in his home state of South Carolina. 从一开始, the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom adopted and pursued a mission of facilitating an appreciation and understanding of Chinese language and culture,马修斯说。.

"The Classroom's value to the College and its communities wasn't confined to language courses. Many of our local citizens know the Classroom through its role in helping facilitate the Sanford's Sister City agreement with Yixing,马修斯说。. "Many others know of us by our visiting instructors' myriad visits to local schools and civic organizations - presentations that went beyond merely explaining the Classroom's functions and actually provided insights into the origins of Chinese holidays and customs - all from a native's point of view. 但, perhaps the best known product of the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom was the range of cultural events, always free of charge to the public and typically staged in concert with our partners from N.C. 状态."

Matthews told the audience about how much the Chinese and American cultures are alike rather than how they are different. “两种文化都重视祖先的传统和成就, 两者都认为家庭是一个重要的社会结构, 两者都重视自我完善和教育的内在价值, 双方都把目光投向国界之外,建立友谊, 合作伙伴关系, 和贸易."

马修斯对马跃涵大加赞赏, 推荐正规买球平台第四任孔子课堂讲师(2016-2019). Others who have served are Guan Wang (2013-2016), Ling Huang (2011-2013), and Shuya Che (2009-2011).

“三年前月涵来的时候, 她已经融入了我们的文化,好像在这里住了几十年似的,马修斯说。. “Yuehan doesn't merely care about her students; she values their learning and their mastery of Chinese language. Whether accompanying her students on field trips and encouraging them to interact with others in Chinese in order to make their learning more natural, 策划、组织学生参加HSK考试, Ms. Ma strived to make her students adopt the same zeal for learning Chinese language as she did in learning American culture and in mastering the English language. 她孜孜不倦地倡导学生的成功, 他们在她的课堂上的表现(以及在HSK考试中的表现)不言自明."

马修斯在演讲结束时说, “Yuehan, 中交所的同事们感谢你们的服务和奉献精神, 但我相信你的学生会最想念你的. 我们祝你一切顺利,一路平安回家."

奥黛丽·托马斯(Audrey Thomas)是李早期学院(Lee Early College)的一名学生,她谈到了自己的老师马月涵. "She is a very personable person and always made everyone in our class feel like they had a personal relationship with her,托马斯说。. “我最喜欢奥巴马夫人的一点是. Ma is how she was always offering new ways to enjoy a culture that she loves so dearly."

Thomas said the most important lesson she learned from taking this year's Chinese class was to persevere through anything and you will eventually get to your destination. "An example of this perseverance was when I was learning Chinese regarding the tones and the characters,她说. “我觉得这很有挑战性,但通过我的努力和她的一点帮助. 妈妈,我能把这些点联系起来,这让我想学得更多."

在关闭, Thomas read a sentence that she wrote in Chinese - then repeated it in English: "We hope to see you again. 我们会想念你的. 我们爱你,我也爱你. 谢谢你!!"

马月涵说,她很感激过去三年给她的一切. “我见证了学生们的成长, their ambition in exploring and bridging themselves with the outside world using the knowledge they learned,她说.

她感谢了许多人,其中特别感谢了布朗博士. 孔子学院的闫伟(音译)也参加了此次活动. “她不仅是一位主管,也是一位关怀的朋友,”马说. “她是我希望以领导力为榜样的人."

马继续说道:“我爱我的学生,我也爱中交. 桑福德已经成为我的第二故乡. 在关闭, I want to restate something I said at my welcome reception - Language is one of the most beautiful things in the world. 它连接着你和我. 它让我们走到一起. Departure is for now; reunion will be for tomorrow."


要了解更多关于中央卡罗莱纳社区学院及其课程,请访问 www.预备.edu.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom. 马跃涵与中国中交会主席张志强博士合影. 莉莎米. 查普曼(左)和推荐正规买球平台哈内特教务长. 乔恩·马修斯(右).


The Crescent Chinese Music Studio provided music when 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma (pictured here at podium) and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom. 图为学生奥黛丽·托马斯向观众讲话.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 hosted a Ninth Anniversary and farewell honoring Yuehan Ma and the 推荐正规买球平台 Confucius Classroom. 马跃涵与桑福德市长副市长丽贝卡·怀霍夫·萨尔蒙(右)合影.