

AdvanceNC - regional workforce development partnership includes community colleges, 大学, 劳动力发展委员会

09.21.2023年•大学 & 社区,大学综合^-!-^

桑福德,N.C. - Education and workforce development organizations throughout central North Carolina put pen to paper Thursday (Sept. 2023年1月21日),创建了一个新的政府联盟AdvanceNC. Roy Cooper predicted would become "a mighty force" preparing North Carolinians for jobs in a vibrant, 不断变化的经济.

AdvanceNC is formally described as "an innovative workforce development ecosystem developing a robust talent pipeline to support unprecedented economic growth in central North Carolina."

归结起来就是10所社区大学, two state 大学 and six regional workforce development boards combining what they do best to provide opportunity for local families and develop expert workers for the exploding number of advanced manufacturing companies in the region. 尽管advanced enc关注的是18个国家, it also is being promoted as a model that can be replicated all across the state.

在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的E. 尤金摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心位于加州桑福德. 库珀解释了为什么这个新联盟如此有希望. "North Carolina has the best array of public and private 大学 in the country, bar none .... And I can say without hesitation that we have the best community college system in the entire country,他说. "When you couple that with our effective workforce development boards and their staff, 这是值得一看的景象.

"All of them working together is a mighty force and the collaboration that will come with AdvanceNC, 这一行动, it will do more than I can think of to help prepare our workforce for the jobs of today and tomorrow."

Community colleges have long been a driving force statewide in workforce development. The North Carolina Community College System offers a sweeping portfolio of initiatives designed to train workers for new careers and help companies develop workers already on the job. But because those apprenticeships and courses are offered by individual colleges with well-defined service areas, 跨国工作并不总是那么简单.

在签字仪式上. 杰夫•考克斯, 北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的校长, 他说,现实是需要advanced enc的原因之一. "Companies don't care anything about our little territories for individual community colleges,他说. "They don't want to know about competition between the 大学 and the community colleges. 他们希望我们所有人一起工作,以满足他们的劳动力需求. 这就是它所代表的,100%."

不到两年前,丰田宣布将生产新的1美元.29 billion automotive battery manufacturing plant at a 伦道夫 County location not far from Greensboro that would create 1,750个新工作岗位. 公司又加了2美元.就在四个月前,这个项目投资了10亿美元.

在丰田最初宣布辞职几个月后,又爆出了更多重大正规买球app十佳排行, 2022年3月, when Vietnamese electric vehicle manufacturer VinFast announced a $4 billion advanced manufacturing plant near Moncure that is expected to create 7,500个工作岗位. VinFast was the largest economic development project in North Carolina history -- for about five months. 那就是狼速, 一家位于达勒姆的碳化硅制造商, announced early last September that it would invest $5 billion to create a new manufacturing center that would bring 1,给银城带来800个工作岗位.

如此迅速的扩张需要一种新的劳动力发展方法. 但是罗德尼·卡森, president of the North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards, 并不担心国家的适应能力. Reflecting on innovations from early in his own workforce development career, 卡森认为,解决办法是找到培养员工的新途径, 这是北卡罗来纳州以前做过的事情.

"I think about how we pushed the envelope when it comes to workforce development," Carson said. “advanced enc就是这么做的. We continue to push the envelope on what workforce and the workforce ecosystem is in North Carolina. 我们是, 27年前, the shining example of what workforce development is in this country as a whole. AdvanceNC pushes that envelope even further and continues to push us out to the edge of what it means to truly take care of our citizens."

It was a sentiment shared by Peter Hans, president of the University of North Carolina System. He reflected on North Carolina's transformation over generations from an agricultural economy based largely on textiles and tobacco, 成为主要的研究和金融中心, 现在进入了丰田所定义的先进制造中心, VinFast和Wolfspeed.

“每时每刻, 北卡罗莱纳州一直相信其人民的学习能力, 适应和竞争,汉斯说. “我们可能是谦卑的山谷, 俗话说得好, but we've always known that a properly educated North Carolinian can tackle any challenge and master any new field on God's green earth. So our task is to make sure that every one of our citizens has that opportunity and that anyone with the drive and the talent can play a role in building the future of this great state."

advanced enc的合作伙伴包括以下社区学院, 大学, 劳动力发展委员会.

*社区大学-平衡, 中央卡, 杜伦科技, 费耶特维尔科技, 约翰斯顿, 皮埃蒙特, 伦道夫, 沙丘, Vance-Granville, 和威克理工大学.

*大学- N.C. A&T州立大学和N.C. 州立大学.

*劳动力发展委员会-首都地区, 达勒姆, Kerr-Tar, 木材河, Mid-Carolina, 和皮埃蒙特三合会地区.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院院长. 莉莎米. Chapman introduced the ceremony with some statistics for the 18-county region. 其中之一是庞大的劳动力.500万——这个群体提供了大量的人才. advance的目标, 她说, is to make sure those workers have the right skills to take advantage of the opportunities now available. And that companies can find the highly skilled workers they need -- not only now, 但在未来的几十年里.

"We are great at attracting businesses to North Carolina and it is great for our residents, because that means family-sustaining wages and that means a great life for North Carolinians,她说. “但我们需要确保我们不仅仅是吸引这些企业 ... but that we do an exceptional job of keeping them here and supporting them in the way that we need to."

作为政府. 库珀说, "North Carolina is the top state for business thanks to our well trained, 人才和多元化的员工队伍. The AdvanceNC initiative will help prepare our students for the jobs of today and tomorrow."

AdvanceNC - regional workforce development partnership includes community colleges, 大学, 劳动力发展委员会

N.C. 州长罗伊·库珀说, "North Carolina is the top state for business thanks to our well trained, 人才和多元化的员工队伍. The AdvanceNC initiative will help prepare our students for the jobs of today and tomorrow."

AdvanceNC - regional workforce development partnership includes community colleges, 大学, 劳动力发展委员会

N.C. 纽约州州长罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper).C. 社区学院系统校长. 杰夫•考克斯, University of North Carolina System President Peter Hans, and N.C. Association of Workforce Development Boards President Rodney Carson joins with officials from 10 community colleges, two 大学 and six workforce development boards to celebrate the beginning of the AdvanceNC regional workforce development partnership.