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Dr. Brian S. Merritt leaves his mark at 推荐正规买球平台

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Click to enlarge,  Dr. Brian S. Merritt, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院学生学习副校长兼首席学术官, 即将担任麦克道尔技术社区学院的第六任校长. His appointment becomes effective Jan. 1, 2021.

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Dr. Brian S. 中央卡罗来纳社区学院学生学习副校长兼首席执行官Merritt说 ... (more)

12.17.2020Admin, Faculty & StaffCollege & CommunityCollege General

SANFORD -- Dr. Brian S. Merritt曾在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院担任多个职位. He's been Distance Education Counselor; Director of Grants, Sponsored Programs, & Alumni Relations; Dean of Student Learning, and most recently as Vice President of Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer.

To say that he has left his mark at 推荐正规买球平台 would be an understatement. "Dr. Brian Merritt has been one of 推荐正规买球平台's rock stars for many years. His ability to think outside of the box, recognize great talent, 建立强大的网络和关系,把事情做好是无与伦比的," said 推荐正规买球平台 President Dr. Lisa M. Chapman.

Dr. Merritt将继续担任麦克道尔技术社区学院的第六任校长. His appointment becomes effective Jan. 1, 2021.

"I know the 推荐正规买球平台 Trustees join me in congratulating Dr. 梅里特先生对他被任命为麦克道尔技术社区学院的新校长表示祝贺. H. Julian Philpott Jr., Chairman of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees. "Dr. Merritt has done an outstanding job at Central Carolina Community College. His work as Vice President of Student Learning and as the Chief Academic Officer for the College has helped the academic programs offered at 推荐正规买球平台 achieve unparalleled success and has resulted in excellent educational opportunities for 推荐正规买球平台's students. We will miss his leadership at 推荐正规买球平台, 但我们祝愿他在麦克道尔技术社区学院的新职位上一切顺利."

Dr. 梅里特指出,推荐正规买球平台教会了他以学生为中心的真正价值. “多年来,随着领导层的更迭,一直有一个共同的主线. 我们在这里是为了服务我们的学生和我们的社区。. Merritt.

"My 推荐正规买球平台 colleagues are like my family. We have fun together, we laugh, sometimes we cry together. 但最终,我们都有一种为学生和社区服务的真诚热情. And, did I mention we have fun?" said Dr. Merritt.

Dr. Merritt points out that he had two beginnings at 推荐正规买球平台. "I originally joined in 2007 as an admissions counselor. 我在查塔姆县长大,我的大多数家人今天还住在那里. The opportunity to serve my home meant a lot to me personally. I left the College for another opportunity and returned in 2011," said Dr. Merritt. “2011年,我在经验有限的情况下被推荐正规买球平台聘为助学金和校友主任. But, I could tell the administration had a vision to be the best, and I was a young professional who was eager to produce results."

Dr. Merritt is proud of 推荐正规买球平台's accomplishments.

"推荐正规买球平台 is a national leader among community colleges. 我们建立了优秀的团队,找到新的、创新的方式来满足学生的需求. Since 2012, 推荐正规买球平台 has increased its graduation rate by 19%," said Dr. Merritt.

“自2012年以来,全日制学生的保留率平均增长了9%. Retention for part-time students has increased by 18%. 这些增长代表着成千上万的学生实现了他们的目标,并在他们选择的道路上取得了成功," added Dr. Merritt.

“在社区大学的世界里,我们通常是事半功倍. State funding is limited, and we have to find ways to fill in the gaps. Over the last eight years, 我们的资助团队与教职员工合作,筹集和管理了3400多万美元,以推进我们的工作,为学生提供更多的支持, innovative instruction, and workforce development opportunities. I am confident the team will continue this great work."

Dr. Chapman said of Dr. Merritt的工作:“中交所目前所享有的许多机会和认可,都归功于我们坚定的承诺和成功, 创新工作,支持学生完成和学生访问. Dr. Merritt has led and been engaged in all of this work. 他的努力和专业知识使中交所能够持续成功地获得外部资金. His leadership supported bringing TRIO programs to 推荐正规买球平台. With Brian at the helm, 该学院领导了10所大学的“世界第一”资助项目,以评估成功指导的影响——这项工作将对全国各地的许多学生产生持久的影响."

Dr. 梅里特对担任大学校长的机会感到兴奋. "My time at 推荐正规买球平台 has prepared me well to become a college president. 我受到了伟大领袖的指导,并向最优秀的人学习. Merritt. "Starting a presidency during a pandemic will be a challenge. However, I will always take to heart the challenge Dr. (T.E.Marchant在我成为副校长时给我的建议:永远把学生放在中心位置."

“麦克道尔科技做出了杰出的选择,而中交将非常怀念麦克道尔博士. 梅里特,我们为他和我们在麦克道尔的同事感到高兴. Chapman.

"Dr. Merritt did an outstanding job for 推荐正规买球平台," said Dr. Marchant. "He clearly demonstrated the skills of innovation and leadership. He will do a great job for McDowell Tech."

Dr. Merritt高度评价了推荐正规买球平台的未来:“推荐正规买球平台的新愿景是为所有人提供卓越的学习. In the midst of a pandemic, with the economic situation we are in, 社区大学比以往任何时候都更重要的是要灵活应变,勇于创新, 以创新的方式提供与劳动力相关的学习机会. 我相信我们现有的团队将继续走在前沿. Merritt.

While Dr. Merritt将会想念推荐正规买球平台,他期待着在McDowell Tech的最新挑战.

"McDowell Tech has a great reputation. 这是一个稳固的机构,在社区中拥有强有力的伙伴关系. Merritt. "My wife, Jessi, and I are both alumni of Appalachian State University. 我们很高兴有机会在马里恩这样的小镇生活和抚养我们的小家庭. Community is important to us, and that was the primary factor that drew us to this opportunity at MTCC."

Dr. Merritt获得瓦尔登大学高等教育管理哲学博士学位, 获得阿巴拉契亚州立大学高等教育管理硕士学位, 获得阿巴拉契亚州立大学中等社会科学教育学士学位.

In 2020, 梅里特被选为2020-21年度阿斯彭新总统奖学金(Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship)全国40名领导人之一, 这是一个精心挑选的领导力项目,为下一代社区大学校长做好准备,使他们能够改革机构,实现更高、更公平的学生成功水平.

"My passion is to help transform students' lives. I have had the best team, and after serving as Chief Academic Officer for six-and-a-half years, I know that 推荐正规买球平台's faculty truly makes the difference. We lift each other up, make each other better, and our focus has always been on the students," said Dr. Merritt. "I am appreciative of Dr. Chapman's support during this transition process and to Dr. Marchant for taking a chance on me all those years ago. 我很感激能以这个新的角色为北卡罗来纳社区学院系统服务,并帮助推进其创始人的主要原则, Dr. “把人们带到他们所在的地方,带他们走到他们能走的最远的地方.'"