大学 正规买球app十佳排行

推荐正规买球平台 Foundation scholarship donors, recipients meet

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周二,在丹尼斯A大学举行的推荐正规买球平台基金会奖学金午宴上. 在柳条市民中心,奖学金捐赠者和受助人得以见面. Student Christopher 戈弗雷 (center), of Sanford, received the J. 谢尔顿和克拉丽斯·威克奖学金来资助他的大学教育. Harrison Wicker (left) and his mother, Alisa Wicker, 他代表这家人参加了午宴,很喜欢和戈弗雷谈话. 戈弗雷正在攻读两个学位:工业系统维护和汽车技术.

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周二在Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, scholarship ... (更多)

周二,在丹尼斯A大学举行的推荐正规买球平台基金会奖学金午宴上. 在柳条市民中心,奖学金捐赠者和受助人得以见面. Laser and Photonics Technology student James Strickland, 邓恩的, met (left) retired 推荐正规买球平台 Vice President Ron Miriello, whose family established the Samuel R. Miriello Memorial Scholarship, and Laser and Photonics lead instructor Gary Beasley, representing the Laser and Photonics Technology Scholarship donors.

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周二在Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, scholarship ... (更多)

周二,在丹尼斯A大学举行的推荐正规买球平台基金会奖学金午宴上. 在柳条市民中心,奖学金捐赠者和受助人得以见面. Kelvin Puckett (center), of Chatham County, 获得了安德鲁凯利威克纪念奖学金,以帮助他支付机械工程课程的费用. 安德鲁·凯利·威克2004年毕业于该学院,2005年去世. 参加午宴的家庭成员(左起)是他的母亲凯伦·威克, sister Kelsey Wicker, and widow Brenda Wicker.

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周二在Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, scholarship ... (更多)

11.16.2011大学 & CommunityFoundationSpecial EventsStudents/Graduates

SANFORD - Christopher 戈弗雷 is a determined man. 这位中央卡罗来纳社区学院的学生正在攻读工业系统技术和汽车技术的学位. 他不仅在专业上翻了一番,而且在四个学期内完成了五个学期的工作.

戈弗雷, a Lee County resident, 周二,他出席了推荐正规买球平台基金会的奖学金午宴,亲自会见并感谢那些帮助他大学生涯的人:J. Shelton and Clarice Wicker Memorial Scholarship.

"It means so much to have received this scholarship," said 戈弗雷, who has two children and a third on the way. "I couldn't afford school without it. It motivates me to do something like this for someone else some day."

推荐正规买球平台 is celebrating its 50th anniversary during 2011-12 and J. 谢尔顿·威克于1971年至1978年(他去世的那一年)担任该学院的董事会成员. He had also served in the North Carolina legislature, on the Lee County Board of Commissioners, and was very active in the 社区.

“J. 谢尔顿和克拉丽斯是教育和这所大学的坚定支持者," said Alisa Wicker, their daughter-in-law, who attended the luncheon. “(他们的儿子)丹尼斯和我设立了这个奖学金,以纪念他们并帮助他人. When you hear the stories of the recipients, it makes you proud to be part of the scholarship program."

奖学金捐赠者和受助人聚集在Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, named for J. 谢尔顿的儿子,他也曾担任大学董事和立法机构成员. 在那里,他在获得国家资金建设设施方面发挥了重要作用.

Student speakers for the Scholarship Luncheon were Jennifer Sanchez, of Moore County, and Jeanne 索思豪尔, of Randolph County. 桑切斯谈到了作为五个孩子的母亲和她的丈夫在现役时上大学的挑战, 还要往返97英里送父亲去接受癌症治疗.

有一天,她决定自己再也做不下去了,必须从大学退学, she told one of her professors why she was withdrawing. 这让她说她认为不可能完成的事情发生了. 她获得了推荐正规买球平台大使奖学金,使她能够完成学业.

"At times, 我们自己的光熄灭了,又被另一个人的火花重新点燃," she said, quoting Albert Schweitzer. "Thank you to all those who provided the spark for me."

And, she added, her father's cancer is now in remission.

索思豪尔, a single mother of two, put her children through college, 然后她想为自己接受更多的教育,找到一个她喜欢的职业领域. That turned out to be Veterinary Medical Technology. 她在推荐正规买球平台注册,每天通勤四个小时到李县校区上课. 她获得了几项奖学金,使她有可能接受教育.

"I am overcome with gratitude," she told the gathering. "People who didn't even know me supported my education. 我们所有获得奖学金的人,非常非常感谢你们."

学院早期历史的精神还体现在塞缪尔·R. Miriello Memorial Scholarship. The college began offering classes in Harnett County in 1965. Miriello致力于在该县建立一个工业教育中心, which was finally opened in Lillington in 1985. 为了表彰他的努力,哈内特校区的行政大楼以他的名字命名.

"My dad worked like a Trojan to get the center built," said Ron Miriello, retired 推荐正规买球平台 vice president, who attended the Scholarship Luncheon. “他热爱这所大学,每年都有以他的名字命名的奖学金帮助学生们接受教育,这是一种祝福."

James Strickland, 邓恩的, a Laser and Photonics Technology student, 获得了Miriello和激光与光子学技术奖学金.

“如果没有这些帮助,我根本上不了大学,”思特里克兰德说. "I can't say thank you enough."

推荐正规买球平台激光与光子学首席讲师Gary Beasley在午餐会上与Strickland进行了交谈.

"The scholarship is funded by donations," he said. “它有助于实现人们接受教育和找到好工作的梦想. It is so fulfilling to see it happen."

推荐正规买球平台总裁Bud Marchant和基金会主席Bill Milholen对所有捐赠者的慷慨解囊表示感谢. Milholen recognized the college's 50th anniversary, 他说他36年前第一次来到这所大学是为了学习计算机, then returned for a pre-licensing class for contractors. He owns Basic Machinery Co.他说,他一直依赖这所学院进行劳动力培训.

"The college's mission is to be a catalyst for personal, 社区, 通过教育和培训增强人民的能力,实现经济发展," he said. "The Foundation's primary mission is to support the college in that."

He noted that, 今年, the Foundation awarded $160,为180名学生提供了1万美元的奖学金,并为学院购买了一些设备.

来自桑福德的汤米·布里奇斯环顾四周的午餐聚会,露出了微笑. He was representing the James F. and Dixie B. Bridges Memorial Scholarship, named for his parents.

他的父亲是李县工业教育中心的创始受托人之一, which became the college. James F. Bridges served as a trustee for 27 years, 1963-1990, the longest of any trustee in the history of the college. Tommy himself served 12 years as a trustee.

“最有成就感的事情是来到这里,听取获得奖学金的人的证词," he said. “我爸爸总是以在大学刚开始的时候来到这里为傲. He wasn't a man of a lot of words. If he could be here today, 他只是把雪茄卷在嘴里,咧嘴一笑,看看学院是如何发展的."

推荐正规买球平台基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, but independent of, the college. 它代表推荐正规买球平台接受捐款和设备,并将其用于促进学院的教育使命,并通过奖学金和助学金帮助学生.

For information on establishing scholarships or endowments, 联系基金会执行主任Diane Glover,电话:(919)718-7231或 dglover@azarnewsonline.com or Associate Director Emily Hare, at (919) 718-7230 or ehare@azarnewsonline.com. 申请奖学金,请联系助学金办公室,电话:(919)718-7229.